School Board
Meeting dates can be found on our school calendar. Parents may attend these meetings. If you wish to raise any matters at the meeting, please inform the Presiding Member in writing seven days before the meeting so that this can be included in the meeting agenda.
Presiding member contact details:
The overall governance of the school is the responsibility of the School Board, who delegates responsibility for the day to day management of the school to the Principal. The School Board is an elected body of parents and staff who oversee the management of school finances, property, facilities, staff and pupil welfare, and the provision of a balanced curriculum in accordance with National Curriculum Statements.
Rachael Kouka
Presiding Member
Jarrod Bayly
Parent Representative
Erin Bennison
Parent Representative
Gareth Hawkins
Parent Representative
Joanne McCreanor
Staff Represtentative
Tracy Leader
Susan Jones
Minutes Secretary